MULTATECH prepared construction documents for the widening of Keller Hicks Road from Lauren Way to US-377. The project required the replacement of an existing stop controlled intersection with a signalized intersection, the relocation of TxDOT signals on US-377, and the signal interconnection and pre-emption for an at grade railroad crossing.
Project Highlights:
- Conversion from rural section to curbed urban section
- Coordination with a development at Keller Hicks and Katy Road
- Conversion from stop controlled to signalized intersection at Katy
Road, included signal pre-emption with UP railroad - New street illumination the entire length of the project
- Incorporation of a 12-inch water line to complete a loop for the city
- ROW acquisition along Keller Hicks Road from UPRR
- Addition of a quiet zone for the UPRR crossing
- 3,500 LF of 10-foot shared use path
- Hydraulic modeling and floodplain permitting
- TxDOT Permitting
- Federal Funding – LOSA
The original direction for the stop controlled Katy Road intersection was to replace it with a roundabout. After MULTATECH prepared conceptual designs, obtained a traffic study, coordinated with adjacent railroad, and discussed with the City, it was determined that the best option would be to install a new signalized intersection.